1. When the general alarm is given, the teacher shall give calmly, so as not to alarm the pupils,
the warning, “Fire Drill.”  All lessons shall cease at once, pupils remaining still and awaiting further

   2. The teacher shall give the command  “STAND.”; all pupils shall stand in aisles facing front or back of room, according to situation of nearest door, the leaders to be in line with the front or back seats, distances closed and lines short.

   3. The teacher shall secure the register, move quietly to the door, open the door, quickly decide as to the best route, give the command  “QUICK MARCH,” and lead the class out of the building.  The route is at the discretion of the teacher according to the situation existing.  The route is at the discretion of the teacher according to the situation existing.  No particular order as regards procedure in the movement of classes is required; all classes proceed to safety in the order in which they come; i.e., first to reach the hall, first to proceed.

   4. Irrespective of the number of pupils in each aisle, all should be in two’s on reaching the class-room door.

   5. The teacher shall regulate the step, see that no pupils run, and insist on absolute silence.

   6. A monitor, previously appointed, should see that no pupils remain in the class-room or cloak-room; then close the class-room door and take his place at the rear of the line.

   7. The class should march a safe distance from the building and take up the position assigned it by the principal. The teacher shall then quickly call the roll and immediately report to the principal concerning missing pupils.

   8. The classes shall remain in formation until instructed otherwise by the principal.

   9. At the sound of an alarm the janitor shall immediately ascertain that no pupils remain in the basement; then at once report to the principal, and inquire, if necessary, the location of the fire. Upon receipt of the information the janitor shall at once inform the municipal fire department, if any; then endeavour to extinguish  the fire. (The municipal fire department must be informed at once, regardless of how small the fire may appear.)

   10. In addition to the above general fire drill, each teacher should conduct individual class practices at unstated periods. Immediately after extended holidays or after a number of pupils have been received, there should be individual class practices several times a day until the pupils can leave quietly and quickly. During such individual practices it should not be necessary to leave the building unless time or weather permits. The commands are the same as when a general alarm is sounded:  “Fire Drill”; “STAND”;  “QUICK MARCH.” However, it must be clearly understood that on the sounding of a “General Alarm“ all classes must march well clear of the building to a point of safety.

   11. It will prevent loss of time during fire drills if the teacher each day, as soon as the roll has been called, suspends his register near the exit-door by means of a clip, such as a Bulldog No. 1910 he can, without stopping, pull his register from the clip as he leaves the room.

   12. The fire-gong should not be used for calling or dismissing school, but only for fire drills or actual fires.

   13. Principals should detail senior boys to open door at exits, search primary rooms, etc.

   14. All teachers should make careful provision for the special care of any pupils who may be physically incapable of marching out safely with the other pupils.