Aims of Education in British Columbia, 1954

"The people of this Province have established schools for the primary purposes of developing that character of our young people, training them to be good citizens, and teaching them the fundamental skills of learning necessary for further education and adult life.

"The school, however, is not the only agency responsible for the education of children. Worthy influence of the home, the church, and the community must also be considered, since these are a vital part of the child's environment. The school must add to and strengthen the influence of these agencies, but it should not attempt to take their place. The home, the church, the community, and the school should work together to provide strong and worthy guidance for our children.

"The education given in the school, unlike other forms of education, can be readily planned and directed. For this reason, it is possible for the school to bring together all those educational forces that will contribute to the best development of the child. The school should support influences that are good and oppose those which are harmful. Above all, it should do its own special task so well that it earns the confidence and respect of the people of the Province.

"A good school programme develops children in two ways-as individual persons and as citizens. Since this development begins long before the child comes to school, the programme must build upon a foundation already well defined. It should be so planned that it helps the child to become an individual who has confidence in himself because of what he is and what he knows. At the same time it should guide him into becoming a person who is respected and trusted by his fellow-man. A school programme which neglects the child in either of these respects fails to fulfil its responsibilities.

"In order that these general aims may be achieved, certain objectives must be established for those areas of learning in which the school is best qualified to serve. If these defined objectives are attained to a desirable degree, the school can make its special contribution to the complete education of every child. They may be summarized as follows:-

British Columbia. Eighty-fourth Public Schools Report, 1954-55 (1956), pp. EE28-EE29.