
Specialized Institutions

Borrell, Helen. "The Fairbridge Farm School," British Columbia Historical News, Vol. 29, No. 1 (Winter 1995/96): 17-23.

Dunae, Patrick A. "'Waifs:' The Fairbridge Society in British Columbia, 1931-1951," Histoire sociale/Social History , Vol. 21, No. 2 (November 1988): 224-250.

---------- "Gender, Generations and Social Class: The Fairbridge Society and British Child Migration to Canada, 1930-1960," in Jon Lawrence and Pat Starkey (eds.), Child Welfare and Social Action in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2001.

Matters, Diane L. "The Boys' Industrial School: Education for Juvenile Offenders," in J. Donald Wilson and David C. Jones (eds.), Schooling and Society in Twentieth Century British Columbia, Calgary: Detselig, 1980.

Purvey, Diane. "Alexandra Orphanage [Vancouver, B. C.] and Families in Crisis in Vancouver, 1892-1938," in Russell Smandych, Gordon Dodds, and Alvin Esau (eds.), Dimensions of Childhood. Essays on the History of Children and Youth in Canada , Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Legal Research Institute, 1991.

Storey, Vernon, and Terry Worobetz & Henry Kennedy, The Home. Orphans' Home to Family Centre: 1873-1998, Victoria: The Cridge Centre for the Family, 1999. [a history of the British Columbia Protestant Orphans' Home, Victoria, B. C.]

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