Historical Readings and Collections of Essays
The following books contain several of the essays cited in this bibliography.
These books should be available in all libraries in British Columbia universities
and colleges, and in many public and secondary school libraries.
Barman, Jean, and Neil Sutherland, and J. Donald Wilson (eds.), Children, Teachers & Schools in the History of British Columbia, Calgary: Detselig, 1995.
Fleming, Thomas (ed.), School Leadership. Essays on the British Columbia Experience, 1872-1995, Mill Bay, B.C.: Bendall Books, 2001.
Jones, David C., and Nancy M.Sheehan, and Robert M.Stamp (eds.), Shaping the Schools of the Canadian West, Calgary: Detselig, 1979.
Wilson, J. Donald, and David C. Jones (eds.), Schooling and Society in Twentieth Century British Columbia, Calgary: Detselig, 1980.
Sheehan, Nancy M., and J. Donald Wilson, and David C. Jones (eds.), Schools in the West: Essays in Canadian Educational History , Calgary: Detselig, 1986.
Roy, Patricia E. (ed.), A History of British Columbia. Selected Readings, Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, 1989.