Herewith the top ten names for newborn girls and boys for selected years over the past half century:
- Linda
- Patricia
- Barbara
- Susan
- Sharon
- Margaret
- Donna
- Judith
- Carol
- Sandra
- Robert
- David
- John
- James
- William
- Richard
- Kenneth
- Donald
- Ronald
- Douglas

- Sandra
- Susan
- Karen
- Linda
- Patricia
- Barbara
- Deborah
- Brenda
- Donna
- Mary
- David
- Robert
- Michael
- John
- James
- Richard
- William
- Kenneth
- Brian
- Mark

- Lisa
- Michelle
- Jennifer
- Tracy
- Tammy
- Karen
- Nicole
- Christine
- Shannon
- Susan
- Michael
- David
- Robert
- Jason
- James
- Christopher
- John
- Richard
- Kevin
- Mark
- Jennifer
- Amanda
- Sarah
- Melissa
- Lisa
- Michelle
- Nicole
- Erin
- Jessica
- Angela
- Michael
- Christopher
- Ryan
- David
- Jason
- Robert
- Matthew
- James
- Daniel
- Kevin
- Jessica
- Emily
- Sarah
- Ashley
- Nicole
- Samantha
- Taylor
- Megan
- Amanda
- Rachel
- Matthew
- Brandon
- Ryan
- Michael
- Joshua
- Jordon
- Alexander
- Nicholas
- Daniel
- Tyler
- Emily
- Sarah
- Emma
- Jessica
- Taylor
- Hannah
- Megan
- Samantha
- Ashley
- Nicole
- Matthew
- Joshua
- Nicholas
- Ryan
- Alexander
- Tyler
- Michael
- Brandon
- Jacob
- Kyle
Vancouver Sun, Review, 10 February 1996, D22; British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency.